Am I Allowed to Deduct my Maids salary?


Imagine you come home to find your vacuum cleaner in pieces on the floor, courtesy of a mishap by your domestic helper.

Or perhaps a cherished vase now decorates your living room in shards rather than blooms. 

These situations can naturally lead to frustration and the consideration of salary deductions as a form of recourse. 

But here's the crucial part: in Singapore, deducting your maid's salary for such mishaps isn't just frowned upon; it's against the law.

It's Not Legal to Deduct Salary

Singapore's Ministry of Manpower (MOM) is clear: "You must pay your foreign domestic worker (FDW) every month. The salary must not be lower than what you declared to MOM." 

This regulation underscores the importance of protecting domestic workers from unfair practices, ensuring they are compensated fully for their services, regardless of accidental damages or mistakes.

Navigating Mistakes and Mishaps

So, what should you do when faced with situations that might tempt you to consider salary deductions? Here are some legally compliant and constructive approaches:

  • Open Dialogue: Communicate with your helper to understand what happened and discuss how similar incidents can be prevented in the future.

  • Education and Training: Provide guidance or additional training to help your maid avoid repeating the same mistakes.

  • Mutual Agreement on Reparations: In cases of significant financial loss, discuss mutually agreeable solutions that don't involve salary deductions, keeping in mind the legal constraints.

Fostering a Positive Work Environment

Creating a supportive and understanding work environment is key to preventing accidents and ensuring both you and your domestic helper feel respected and valued. 

Recognizing that mistakes can happen and treating them as opportunities for learning and growth can strengthen your relationship with your helper.

How Searchmaid Can Help

If you're on the lookout for a domestic helper or seeking advice on navigating the employer-helper relationship within the legal framework of Singapore, Searchmaid is here to help. 

Our platform allows you to browse a vast database of maids from various agencies in Singapore, ensuring you find the perfect match for your household needs.

Remember, while it's natural to feel upset over accidents and mistakes, the law in Singapore protects domestic workers from salary deductions. Handling such situations with empathy, understanding, and within legal boundaries is crucial.

For more information on finding the right domestic helper and tips on creating a harmonious employer-helper relationship, visit Searchmaid today. Let us assist you in making informed decisions that benefit both you and your domestic helper.

Source: MOM’s website