Commentary: Maid in Singapore stole 59 pieces of jewellery


I’m sipping my morning kopi, flipping through the Straits Times, and there it is – a headline that stops you mid-sip: "Maid stole 59 pieces of jewellery"

My jaw drops, not just because of the sheer number but because it serves as a stark reminder that sometimes, despite our best efforts, trust can be breached even in the safest of sanctuaries: our homes.

The Unpleasant Shine of Betrayal

The article unfurls a tale of trust turned treacherous detailing how a maid…

entrusted with the keys to the family's treasure trove, embarked on a secret spree, pawning 59 pieces of jewellery over nine months. 

It's a scenario that stings with betrayal, especially considering she had been a part of the household for over a decade. 

It begs the question: How can employers in Singapore safeguard their homes and hearts against such breaches of trust?

Locks and Keys: The First Line of Defense

Safeguarding Valuables: The story highlights a critical lapse – accessible keys and unchecked access. Employers must ensure that valuables are secured in a manner that minimises temptation and opportunity. It might be worth investing in modern safes that offer sophisticated locking mechanisms beyond the reach of generic keys.

Routine Checks: Regularly auditing your valuables can act as both a deterrent and an early warning system. It's not about mistrust; it's about mutual assurance between you and your helper.

Fostering a Culture of Openness

Communication is Key: Establishing clear boundaries and expectations from the start can foster an environment of openness. Regular check-ins can help address any grievances or temptations your helper might face.

Education and Empathy: Understanding the pressures and challenges your maid faces can foster empathy. Educating them about the consequences of theft, not just legally but on personal relationships, can deter potential missteps.

In the Aftermath: Healing and Moving Forward

Due Diligence: This unfortunate event underscores the importance of thorough background checks and references when hiring. Platforms like rigorously vet candidates, offering peace of mind to employers.

Building Back Trust: If faced with such a betrayal, it's crucial to manage the aftermath with grace. If possible, offer support for your helper to make restitution and seek counselling. If not, ensure a fair process through the legal system.

Prevention as a Priority: Beyond locks and audits, fostering a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding can be your best defence. A helper who feels valued and supported is less likely to betray trust.

Let's Sparkle Together

At the end of the day, the story from the Straits Times isn't just a cautionary tale; it's a reminder of the importance of diligence, communication, and empathy in our relationships with our domestic helpers. 

With the right precautions and the right partner in your search, you can ensure that the only thing that sparkles in your home is joy and mutual respect.

Ready to find a helper who brightens your home in all the right ways? 

Browse through Searchmaid today, and let us help you discover your ideal maid – because every home deserves to sparkle with trust.


Source: The Straits Times: 14 months’ jail for maid who stole jewellery from employer’s home and pawned it for over $23,000