Do You Need A Professional Runner to Send Your Maid Away?


Explore the benefits of hiring a professional runner to manage your maid's departure in Singapore. Learn about their role, potential advantages, and factors to consider before deciding.

Life is full of unexpected turns. Whether it's navigating different food preferences, dealing with theft at home, or the change in life stage, you may be ending your maid's employment. This can be a complicated and emotional process.

Thankfully, you don’t have to deal with it all by yourself. With a professional runner, they can manage the process, ensuring a smooth transition, especially in cases of sticky legal disputes, contract terminations, or when dealing with complex logistics.

Why Hire A Professional Runner?

A professional runner is essentially your go-to person for managing maid-related affairs. When it comes to paperwork and procedures for terminating a maid's employment, they get the job done. They handle everything from legal necessities to final payments, and even coordinate the safe return of your domestic maid to their home country.

The Role of A Professional Runner

Hiring a professional runner in Singapore could make your life easier in many ways.

However, it's crucial to consider your situation before deciding to hire a professional runner for your maid's departure. You might need to terminate a maid’s services for several reasons:

●  The maid's employment contract has ended, and they want to go back to their home country.

●  The maid has health issues that need long-term treatment back home.

●  The maid has continuously broken house rules or hasn't been fulfilling their job duties.

●  The maid has violated the terms of their employment contract, such as working for another employer or ending up getting pregnant.

●  Your family is moving away or doesn't need a maid anymore.

In these cases, a runner's expertise can be extremely helpful. They know the local laws and procedures and can ensure everything is handled rightly. There are many examples that show how effective runners are at managing these difficult situations, which emphasises the importance of their services.

Clearing Up Communication

A professional runner is like a skilled translator. They iron out any miscommunication between you and your maid, making sure both sides are heard. Having a disagreement over the final salary? The runner can mediate, using their knowledge of the law and fair practices to find an amicable solution.

Offering Support

Terminating your maid’s employment can be tough, especially if you've become close. It can stir up a lot of feelings. A runner can provide some much-needed support by making sure things are handled with care and respect.

Taking Care of the Details

This could be organising a flight back home for your maid, or talking to agencies about finding a replacement. Their job is all about making this transition as smooth as possible and keeping your household running smoothly.

Keeping Everything Legal

Lastly, a runner makes sure that everything is done by the book. This means getting the right permits in Singapore, handing in the necessary paperwork to the Ministry of Manpower, and ensuring all processes for ending employment comply with Singapore's laws. This helps protect you from potential legal problems while ensuring your maid's rights are upheld.

Things to Think About Before Hiring a Professional Runner

Personal Involvement

Some families in Singapore prefer to take matters into their own hands when it comes to their maid's departure. It could be due to tight finances or wishing for a more personal goodbye. They may feel that getting a third party involved might strip away some of the personal elements they're looking for during this transition.

Money Matters

You should weigh the price tag against the potential benefits and peace of mind that a professional runner brings.

Finding a Professional Runner in Singapore

If you're looking for a professional runner in Singapore to handle your maid's departure, there are a couple of reliable options to consider.

  1. Employment Agencies: These guys know their stuff. They've got professional runners who are clued up on all things domestic help. They'll sort out all the paperwork and logistics for you. The cost of hiring a maid in Singapore? Depends on the agency and what they offer, but you're looking at anywhere between S$100 and S$2000.

  2. Online Platforms Specialising in Domestic Help Services: You can connect with professional runners from the comfort of your home. Plenty of options to choose from and user reviews to help you make an informed decision. As for the cost, prices start from S$100, but it'll depend on how complicated your situation is.

Just remember, before you decide on any of these options, do your due diligence. Check out the provider's credibility, read their reviews, interview them and ask about their experience with cases like yours.

In Conclusion

Hiring a professional runner to manage your maid's exit is a personal decision. It comes down to these factors - how complex the situation is, how you're feeling about it all, whether you're up for dealing with it yourself, and of course, how much you're willing to spend.

If you decide to manage the situation on your own, be sure to familiarise yourself with the process of cancelling your maid's work permit in Singapore and the other administrative tasks involved in ending a maid's employment.


Remember, however you choose, it's important to respect your maid and acknowledge their contributions. After all, they've been a big part of supporting your household.