How do You Work With A Forgetful Maid?


What happens when your helper keeps forgetting what you just taught her last night?

And yes, it’s frustrating I know (I have my own maid too!) 

Here are some strategies to work in sync with a forgetful maid.

Understanding and Patience

Empathy First: Remember, everyone has good and bad days. Approach the situation with understanding. 

Your helper's forgetfulness could stem from stress, homesickness, or simply adjusting to a new environment. A little empathy goes a long way.

Composing a Solution: Practical Strategies

Transform words into visuals: Create a colourful chart or a picture-based checklist for daily tasks. Visual aids can be incredibly effective for those who might get lost in translation or overwhelmed by verbal instructions.

Encore Performance: Repetition is the mother of skill. Establish a routine that encourages your helper to perform tasks at specific times. Routines can help embed tasks into memory, turning them into automatic actions.

Cue Notes: Place sticky notes in strategic locations as gentle reminders. A note on the baby bag could say, "Remember the wipes!" Or a small sign by the door: "Keys, phone, smile!" =)

Fine-Tuning the Communication

Solo to Duet: Engage in the tasks together the first few times. This hands-on approach not only shows how it's done but also reinforces the learning process through shared experience.

Feedback: Regularly review what's working and what's not. Offer constructive feedback in a positive, supportive manner. Recognize and praise improvements to motivate continued progress.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Encourage Independence: Encourage your helper to take notes or keep a personal diary of tasks and important things to remember. This empowers them to develop their own system of reminders.

Solo Practice: Allow for practice time where your helper can perform tasks independently but under your observation. This builds confidence and competence.

Addressing the Root Cause: Beyond the Forgetfulness

Not enough rest?: Sometimes, forgetfulness can be a sign of underlying issues such as stress or lack of sleep. Ensuring your helper has enough rest and a balanced life can improve overall performance.

Family Issues?: While you might not want to be too deeply involved with her family issues, sometimes it helps to give a gentle “Is everything ok at home?” Regular check-ins about how they're feeling both physically and emotionally can unveil issues that, once addressed, might improve their memory and attention to detail.

Finding the Perfect Fit

Don't let a few forgotten tasks disrupt the harmony of your household. 

With the right approach, patience, and tools, working with a forgetful maid can lead to a beautiful partnership. 

But if it doesn’t work out, visit Searchmaid today, and let us help you find another (better memory) domestic helper who'll keep your home life in perfect tune.