What are the steps to engage a maid agency in Singapore?


Engaging a maid through an agency in Singapore is a structured process designed to ensure both the employer's and the maid's needs are met professionally and legally. 

This guide outlines the typical steps involved, aiming to demystify the process for prospective employers.

Understanding the Need

The first step involves a clear assessment of your household needs. 

This determines the type of maid services required, whether for cleaning, caregiving, or both, and helps in specifying the skills and qualities you're looking for in a maid.

Choosing the Right Agency

Selecting a reputable agency is crucial. Look for agencies with a good track record, transparent fees, and positive reviews from other employers. 

The agency should be licensed and adhere to the regulations set by Singapore's Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

Application Submission

Upon choosing an agency, you'll need to submit an application. 

This includes personal information, details about your household, and the specific requirements you have for a maid.

Interview Process

The agency will arrange interviews with potential candidates. 

This step is vital for both parties to assess compatibility, discuss expectations, and clarify job responsibilities.

Employment Contract

Once you've selected a maid, an employment contract is drawn up by the agency. 

This legally binding document outlines the terms of employment, including duties, salary, rest days, and other conditions.

Work Permit Application

The agency handles the work permit application process with the MOM. 

This involves submitting necessary documents and ensuring compliance with local employment laws.

Maid's Arrival and Orientation

After the work permit is approved, arrangements for the maid's arrival are made. 

It's important for the employer to assist in the maid's settling-in process, providing guidance on household routines and expectations.

Ongoing Support and Communication

Maintaining open communication with your maid and the agency ensures a smooth working relationship. 

Address concerns promptly and provide feedback to help your maid adjust and thrive in their role.


Engaging a maid in Singapore through an agency can be a straightforward process with the right preparation and support. 

By following these steps, employers can find a qualified maid suited to their household's needs, ensuring a harmonious working relationship. 

Remember to choose an agency carefully, communicate your needs clearly, and provide a supportive environment for your maid to succeed.

>> Need a maid? Try Searchmaid for maid listings from over 200+ maid agencies, all registered in Singapore.