What Can I Do If My Maid Always Gives Me a Black Face?


It's a familiar scene in some Singaporean households… you wake up, eager to start your day, only to be greeted by the sullen face of your domestic helper. 

The dreaded "black face" has become a recurring theme, and you find yourself wondering how to navigate this tricky situation. 

Fear not, dear reader! With a little patience, understanding, and a dash of humour, you can turn those frowns upside down and foster a more harmonious household.

Understanding the Root Cause

Before jumping to conclusions, it's essential to take a step back and consider the reasons behind your maid's gloomy demeanour. Is she feeling homesick or struggling with personal issues? Could there be a communication breakdown or unmet expectations? 

Take the time to have an open and honest conversation with your helper, creating a safe space for her to express her concerns. Remember, a little empathy goes a long way in building a strong employer-maid relationship.

Setting Clear Expectations and Boundaries

Sometimes, the "black face" phenomenon can stem from a lack of clarity in job responsibilities and expectations. To avoid misunderstandings, sit down with your helper and clearly outline her duties, working hours, and any specific household rules. 

Be sure to also discuss your expectations regarding her attitude and demeanour, emphasising the importance of maintaining a positive and professional approach. By setting clear boundaries and expectations from the outset, you can minimise the chances of future frowns and frustrations.

Encouraging Open Communication

Effective communication is the key to any successful relationship, and the employer-maid dynamic is no exception. Encourage your helper to voice her concerns, ideas, and suggestions regularly. 

Create an atmosphere where she feels comfortable coming to you with any issues or questions, without fear of judgement or reprisal. By fostering open and honest communication, you can nip potential problems in the bud and maintain a more positive household environment.

Recognising and Rewarding Good Behaviour

Just as it's important to address negative attitudes, it's equally crucial to acknowledge and appreciate your maid's hard work and positive contributions. When you notice your helper going above and beyond or displaying a cheerful disposition, be sure to express your gratitude and offer praise. 

Consider implementing a reward system, such as extra time off, small bonuses, or thoughtful gifts, to reinforce good behaviour and boost morale. A little recognition can go a long way in turning those black faces into beaming smiles.

Seeking Professional Help

If, despite your best efforts, your maid's "black face" persists and begins to impact the overall household dynamics, it may be time to seek professional help. Consider reaching out to your maid agency or a counsellor specialising in employer-maid relationships. 

They can offer valuable insights, mediation services, and strategies to help you navigate this challenging situation. Remember, there's no shame in asking for help when it comes to fostering a happy and harmonious home.


Dealing with a maid's "black face" can be a frustrating and emotionally taxing experience for any employer in Singapore. However, by approaching the situation with empathy, clear communication, and a willingness to find solutions, you can transform those frowns into smiles and create a more positive household environment. Remember, a happy maid often translates to a happy home!

If you find yourself in need of a fresh start and a maid who brings joy and positivity to your household, look no further than Searchmaid. Our extensive database of experienced and reliable domestic helpers from top agencies across Singapore makes finding your perfect match a breeze. Start your search today and take the first step towards a brighter, more cheerful home!