Can I ask my Maid Not to Use the Aircon When She Sleeps?


Yes, the weather in Singapore has been getting warmer (no thanks to global warming). 

And you notice that your maid has been turning on the aircon when she sleeps in her room. And it’s an option you are uncomfortable with… either because you do not switch on the aircon yourself when you sleep… or the ever rising electricity bills are affecting your sanity.

Let's dive into this issue and see what options you have as an employer.

The Helper's Comfort vs. Household Expenses

We all want our helpers to feel at home, but where do we draw the line between comfort and cost? Some may argue that if you’re footing the bill, you have every right to set the aircon usage rules. After all, it’s your house, your rules, right? But let’s not forget that our helpers are human too, and they deserve a good night’s rest, especially after a long day of hard work.

Understanding Your Helper's Background

It’s essential to consider where your helper is coming from. Some may be accustomed to the heat and perfectly content with just a fan, while others may hail from regions where air conditioning is a luxury they've only dreamed of. By understanding your maid’s background and preferences, you can better navigate the conversation around aircon usage.

Communication Is Key

Like any relationship, communication is key when it comes to discussing household rules and expectations. Instead of imposing strict mandates, have an open and honest conversation with your helper about your concerns regarding aircon usage. Together, you can come to a mutually beneficial agreement that takes into account both comfort and cost.

Finding a Compromise

So, what’s the verdict? Can you ask your maid not to use the aircon when she sleeps? Ultimately, it depends on your individual circumstances and the dynamics of your household. Perhaps you can compromise by setting a timer for the aircon or investing in additional fans to help circulate the air. Whatever you decide, remember to approach the situation with empathy and understanding.

Explore Your Options

Still unsure how to navigate the aircon dilemma with your maid? is here to help! With our extensive database of maids from different agencies in Singapore, you can find the perfect match for your household needs. Whether you’re looking for someone who’s cool with just a fan or prefers the full blast of the aircon, we’ve got you covered.

Ready to find your ideal maid? Head over to Searchmaid today and start your search!