How do you communicate, or teach English to your Myanmar maid?


In the bustling city-state of Singapore, employing a domestic helper from Myanmar has become increasingly common. While these hard working ladies bring a wealth of skills and experience to our households, the language barrier can sometimes feel like a game of charades gone wrong. 

If you find yourself gesticulating wildly and resorting to Google Translate more often than you'd like, fear not – we've got some tips and tricks to help you bridge the language gap and foster effective communication with your Myanmar maid.

Start with the Basics

When your new helper first arrives, it's essential to lay a strong foundation for communication. Begin by teaching her simple, everyday phrases and vocabulary related to her job duties. "Please clean the living room," "Can you wash the dishes?" and "It's time to prepare dinner" are great starting points. Use clear, concise language and avoid idioms or slang that may confuse her. Remember, even small steps can lead to big breakthroughs in understanding.

Embrace Visual Aids

A picture is worth a thousand words, and this couldn't be truer when it comes to communicating with your Myanmar maid. Use visual aids like photographs, diagrams, or even hand-drawn pictures to illustrate tasks and concepts. For example, if you want her to arrange the groceries in a specific way, take a photo of the desired layout and show it to her. Visual cues can help bridge the language gap and make instructions crystal clear.

Harness the Power of Technology

In the age of smartphones and apps, there's no shortage of tools to help you communicate with your maid. Google Translate can be a lifesaver when you need to quickly convey a message or understand a request. You can also use language learning apps like Duolingo or Babbel to help your helper improve her English skills in a fun, interactive way. Encourage her to spend a few minutes each day practising her language skills on her phone or a family iPad.

Create a Communication Book

Sometimes, the best solutions are the simplest ones. Consider creating a communication book where you can write down tasks, schedules, and important information for your maid. Use simple English phrases and pair them with visual aids like drawings or stickers. Encourage your helper to write down any questions or concerns she may have, and make time each day to review the book together. This not only helps with communication but also provides a record of your interactions.

Encourage Language Exchange

Learning a new language is a two-way street. While you're helping your maid improve her English, why not take the opportunity to learn a few words in her native tongue? Show interest in her language and culture, and encourage her to teach you simple phrases like "hello," "thank you," and "good morning." This not only fosters a sense of camaraderie but also helps you better understand and appreciate your helper's background.

Be Patient and Positive

Learning a new language takes time, and it's important to be patient and encouraging throughout the process. Celebrate your maid's progress, no matter how small, and avoid criticising her mistakes. Instead, gently correct her and offer positive reinforcement when she gets things right. Remember, a supportive and understanding employer can make all the difference in a helper's language learning journey.

Invest in Professional Help

If you find that the language barrier is proving to be a significant challenge, consider investing in professional language classes for your maid. Many language schools in Singapore offer courses specifically designed for domestic helpers, focusing on practical vocabulary and communication skills. Check out paid classes from ACMI, especially for foreign migrants. While this may require an initial investment, it can pay off in the long run by improving your maid's ability to understand and follow instructions.

Find Your Perfect Match with Searchmaid

At the end of the day, effective communication is key to a harmonious and productive relationship with your Myanmar maid. By implementing these strategies and approaching the language barrier with patience and creativity, you can foster a strong bond built on trust and understanding.

If you're still searching for your ideal helper, look no further than Our online platform connects you with a vast pool of experienced, reliable maids from top agencies across the island. Filter your search based on criteria like language abilities, work experience, and personality traits to find your perfect match. With the right maid by your side, you can create a household where communication flows as smoothly as your morning kopi.