Can I Get My Maid to Co-Pay Her Medical Expenses?


Picture this: your domestic helper, who has become as much a part of your family as anyone else, comes to you with a health issue that sounds like it's straight out of a medical drama - a uterus bacteria infection requiring not just one, but a series of treatments. 

Your first thought is, of course, concern for her well-being. 

Your second thought? "How are we going to manage the costs?" 

It's a scenario that might have you more puzzled than trying to assemble IKEA furniture without the instructions.

The MOM's Clear Directive

Singapore's MOM underscores a fundamental principle: the welfare of migrant domestic workers (MDWs) is a direct responsibility of their employers

This includes the entirety of their medical care—ranging from the sniffles to more complex health issues. 

The rule is clear; as an employer, you're tasked with bearing all medical costs associated with your MDW's health. 

This policy leaves no room for cost-sharing; even expenses exceeding insurance payouts fall under your purview.

Why the Full Responsibility?

At first glance, the directive might seem daunting. 

However, it's built on the understanding that employers gain significantly from the labour and support of their MDWs. 

Ensuring their health and well-being is not just ethical but essential for maintaining the harmony and productivity of your home. 

Think of it as ensuring your car is well-oiled and serviced; only in this case, it's about caring for a person who contributes significantly to your household.

Insurance: Your First Line of Defense

Acknowledging the potential financial strain this responsibility might entail, the MOM mandates a compulsory purchase of both medical and personal accident insurance for your MDW before their employment begins. 

This requirement is designed to mitigate the risk of high medical costs, providing a safety net for both you and your domestic helper.

Opting for Enhanced Coverage

While meeting the minimum insurance coverage is a start, MOM encourages employers to consider plans with more comprehensive coverage. 

This isn't merely about ticking off a regulatory checklist but ensuring that you're prepared for any medical eventuality without facing undue financial stress. 

Opting for higher coverage is akin to choosing a more robust umbrella before a storm; it's about preparedness and protection.

Embarking on a Journey of Care

As you continue to navigate the intricacies of employing a domestic helper in Singapore, remember that their health and well-being are paramount. 

By ensuring you meet MOM's requirements, you're not just complying with the law; you're fostering a safe, supportive, and healthy environment for someone who plays a crucial role in your home.

Looking for more guidance or ready to find a maid who's the perfect fit for your family's needs? Visit Searchmaid today. 


Let us be your partner in creating a happy, healthy home for everyone under your roof.