My New Helper Wants to Go Back Agency. What Should I Do?


Ah, the life of a maid employer in Singapore - just when you think you've found your household's new best friend, they pull a 180 on you! 

You've gone through the hassle of searching maid databases, interviewing candidates, paying agency fees...only for your new hire to suddenly decide "Eh, this isn't for me after all!"

We've all been there, right? One minute, your new Filipino or Indonesian maid is all smiles and enthusiasm about joining your family. The next, they're asking to be sent back to the maid agency! What gives?

The Disappearing Act

Perhaps your helper felt homesick and couldn't adjust to the new environment. Maybe they struggled with communication barriers or personality clashes. Or who knows, they could have gotten a better offer from another employer!

Whatever the reason, having your newly-hired domestic worker quit on you is incredibly frustrating. You're left scrambling to find a replacement, wasting time and money in the process.

So what can you do when your maid pulls a stunt? Funny you ask, because that's exactly what we'll cover today! We've rounded up some options to handle this sticky situation.

Your Next Steps When Your Helper Wants Out

1) Listen Up First

Before taking any drastic actions, sit down with your maid and have an open conversation. There may be some resolvable issues or misunderstandings you can clear up. Who knows, you might just be able to change their mind about staying!

2) The Agency Awaits 

If talking it out doesn't work, your next option is to return your maid to the agency. This process typically allows you to recoup around 50% of the placement fees you paid, or a replacement helper… check your contract.

The downside? You're helper-less once more and may need to reschedule interviews until you find your next hire.

3) Send Them Packing

Some employers choose to cut their losses and terminate the working relationship entirely. This avoids going through reassigning processes with agencies and could be preferable if the situation has turned too sour.

Just keep in mind you'll likely forfeit any outstanding loan amounts paid to the helper. Agencies may also ban you from their services if you terminate contracts prematurely and without cause. But that will be the least of your concerns, since there are so many maid agencies in Singapore.

No Perfect Solution

As you can see, there's no definitively "right" way to handle the situation when your maid wants to jump ship. Every circumstance is unique, and you'll have to weigh up the pros and cons based on your specific needs.

The key? Be upfront and talk through the options with your helper. Clear communication is crucial for finding an outcome you're both comfortable with.

If All Else Fails, Find Your Next Companion at SearchMaid!

Of course, the easiest solution of all is to secure a maid who genuinely wants to work with your family long-term! That's where SearchMaid comes in.

Our online platform lets you browse through a huge database of accredited helpers from top agencies across Singapore. Filter candidates based on your criteria, read reviews, and hire with confidence.


No more disappearing acts or rehiring headaches - just a straightforward way to find your household's new best friend. What are you waiting for? Start your search for the perfect maid today!