My Maid Left Home & Her Passport Gone. What Should I Do?


As an employer of a foreign domestic worker in Singapore, you've probably had this nightmare before: It's the end of your maid's off day, the designated return time rolls around...and she's a no-show. No texts, no calls, just radio silence.

You scan the house hoping she's just, uh, "forgotten" the time. But her personal belongings are gone - passport, phone charger, spare clothes. Your mind starts racing. Has she been kidnapped? Did she wander off and get lost? Or - the fear that keeps you up at night - has she decided to do a runner?

The Mystery of the Vanishing Maid

This situation is one of the most anxiety-inducing predicaments a helper employer can face. You're left in limbo, unsure if you should be calling the police, tearing your hair out, or just calmly waiting for an innocent explanation.

As the excruciating hours tick by with no word from your domestic worker, it's natural for worst-case scenarios to set in. Visions of her fleeing to another job or even another country can haunt your thoughts.

Before you succumb to full-blown panic mode, take a deep breath and read on. We're here to guide you through those uneasy "Where's my maid?" moments with practical tips and advice.

What to Do When Your Maid Goes AWOL

Okay, so your allotted return time has been and gone with no sign of your domestic helper. What next?

Step 1: Open Communications  

Once a reasonable waiting window has passed, it's time to open communications. Call, text, WhatsApp - try every avenue you have to reach her. Maintain a calm, friendly tone in your messages, not an accusatory one. There may be a simple misunderstanding.  

Step 2: Notify the Employment Agent

If you've made multiple contact attempts with no reply, it's wise to loop in your maid employment agency. The professionals there may have other contact modes or crisis protocol. Having an agency assist can also provide a reassuring buffer while you sort things.

Step 3: Consider Making a Police Report  

In cases where your helper is still AWOL after an extended period (e.g. 12-24 hours) with no communication, you may want to consider filing a missing persons report with the police. Don't feel awkward about doing so - it's a precautionary measure that covers all bases.

Step 4: Document Everything

Whenever a situation arises with your domestic employee, be diligent about documenting all facts, timelines, and correspondence. This paper trail creates an official record should mediations or claims need to happen down the track.  

Time For Another Maid?

After the maid saga is over… don’t let that hurt your trust in maids. There are gems out there waiting to be discovered. That's where SearchMaid's online platform can assist maid employers in Singapore.

We give you access to a vast database of background-checked, agency-accredited domestic helpers from Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines and more. You can filter candidates based on your criteria, read reviews, and hire with confidence right from our website.

That way, you can rest easy knowing you've made an informed choice - no middle-of-the-night panic attacks required! What are you waiting for? Start your search for the perfect maid at SearchMaid today.