How can I tell my Helper that she should not waste food?


So you've just discovered that your helper of three months has been tossing out the bread ends, leading to potential waste.

It can be a frustrating situation, especially if you have been brought up by a “you should not waste food” grandma. But before you get too worked up, remember that open communication and a little understanding can go a long way in creating a harmonious household.

Understanding Cultural Differences and Habits

When it comes to food preferences, it's essential to recognize that your helper may have grown up with different habits and customs. In some households, bread ends might be reserved for other family members or generally not eaten as an unsaid family habit. It's possible that your helper is simply following what she's used to, rather than intentionally being wasteful.

The Importance of Clear Communication

The key to addressing food waste with your helper is to have an open and honest conversation. Instead of assuming she knows your expectations, take the time to sit down and discuss your concerns. Explain that you've noticed the bread ends going to waste and ask if there's a reason behind it. Listen to her perspective and try to find a middle ground that works for both of you.

Finding Creative Solutions

Once you've had a chat with your helper, it's time to brainstorm some creative solutions to minimise food waste. If your helper isn't a fan of bread ends, suggest freezing them for later use in recipes like croutons, breadcrumbs, or even French toast casserole. You can also encourage her to use them as a base for spreads or dips, adding a little extra flavour to her meals.

Leading by Example

As the employer, you set the tone for your household. If you want your helper to be mindful of food waste, make sure you're leading by example. Avoid being overly picky about your own food preferences and demonstrate how to use up leftover ingredients in creative ways. When your helper sees you prioritising waste reduction, she'll be more likely to follow suit.

Providing Resources and Support

If your helper seems hesitant to change her habits, consider providing her with resources and support to make the transition easier. Share recipes that utilise bread ends or other commonly wasted ingredients, and offer to teach her some new cooking techniques. By investing time in your helper's growth and development, you'll foster a more positive and productive working relationship.


Navigating food preferences and waste reduction with your helper in Singapore doesn't have to be a daunting task. With open communication, creative solutions, and a little bit of understanding, you can create a household that values both your helper's habits and your own expectations. Remember, a happy helper often translates to a happy home!

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