Should I Get A Maid If My House Has Only 2 People?


Ah, the classic Singaporean debate - is it worthwhile having a live-in maid for just you and your spouse? For some, the idea seems delightfully indulgent. Two people with a domestic helper? Sign us up for that landed property life!

But others hesitate. Isn't that overkill? Plus, the privacy issues could get awkward with another person underfoot. Wouldn't it just be easier (and cheaper) to upsize from instant noodles to restaurant meals?

If you find yourself in this "helper or no helper" tug-of-war for a two-person household, read on. We're breaking down the pros and cons to help you decide if maid service is truly a must.

The Case For Going Maid-Less

Let's start with the arguments against hiring domestic help for a cozy couple:

Cost Savings

Let's face it, even with cooked meals and cleaning covered, a maid's monthly pay packet isn't exactly peanuts. You'll need to factor in insurance, levy costs, loan fees and more. For some duos, it may make more financial sense to simply outsource chores as needed.

Privacy Pretensions

There's something to be said for the serene intimacy of having your home all to yourselves. No need to worry about a third party's presence during your boxers-and-bunny-slippers routine!

Minimal Mess

Two working adults without kids typically don't generate that much household upkeep. You may find that a quick 30-minute tidy each evening keeps things looking spick and span.

The Maid-Having Case

Of course, domestic workers provide so much more than basic cleaning services. Here are some reasons that extra pair of hands could be well worth it:

Focused Energy

Having a maid frees up your time and mental bandwidth for other pursuits - family, hobbies, couples activities. No more racking your brain planning meals or dreading the laundry pile!

Home Cooked Goodness

Few things are as comforting as home cooked meals prepared by someone else. A maid ensures you can enjoy fresh, nutritious dishes without the fuss.

Not-So-Insane Cleaning

Let's be real - keeping an entire household clean and organized is deceptively time consuming. Why battle grime and clutter on your own when you could hire a pro?

Peace of Mind on Vacays

Having a trusted maid keeping an eye on things provides peace of mind when you and your partner need to travel. No concerns about returned to a disastrous home!

Forward Planning

Even if it's just the two of you for now, having an established maid can make life easier down the track if you have kids, elderly parents move in, or you simply upsize homes.

The Million Dollar Question

Ultimately, the decision comes down to your priorities as a household unit. If privacy, flexibility and cost management are paramount, then a maid-free existence could be your move.

But if convenience, time optimisation and comfort reign supreme, then investing in some domestic help could be a game-changer. Just be sure to engage a maid employment agency you trust, like SearchMaid, to find the perfect helper match!

Our online platform lets you browse profiles of carefully screened and vetted domestic candidates from Indonesia, the Philippines, Myanmar and more. Filter by skillsets, experience level, reviews and more - all from the comfort of home. Simplify your maid hiring process and find the ideal helper for YOUR unique household needs.

What are you waiting for? Visit SearchMaid today to kickstart your search!