Letting Your Domestic Helper Go


Making the decision to end the employment of your domestic helper in Singapore can be incredibly difficult, especially if reasons like poor performance or safety concerns are at play. 

Whether it’s issues ranging from excessive phone use to critical safety oversights, navigating this conversation requires a balanced mix of honesty, empathy, and foresight. 

Here’s a compassionate yet practical approach to managing this delicate situation.

Preparing for the Conversation

Reflect on the Reasons

Before sitting down with your helper, clearly outline the reasons behind your decision. 

Being clear and factual in your own mind will help you convey the message more effectively.

Plan Your Approach

Consider writing down key points you want to cover. 

This can include acknowledging their efforts, the specific reasons for termination (e.g., safety concerns, performance issues), and the logistics of their departure. 

Planning helps ensure you communicate the message respectfully and comprehensively.

Choosing the Right Moment

Timing and Setting

While you might be inclined to delay this tough conversation, it's essential to handle it with integrity and directness. 

Some employers choose to inform their helper at short notice for various reasons, including safety or to prevent prolonged distress. 

Decide on a timing that you feel is respectful yet practical, and choose a private and quiet setting for the discussion.

Conducting the Conversation

Be Direct but Kind

Start by expressing your appreciation for their work and effort. 

Then, gently but clearly, explain that due to certain issues (specify if it’s poor performance, safety concerns, or excessive phone use), you’ve made the difficult decision to end their employment. 

Offer examples if necessary, to clarify your decision.

Discuss Next Steps

Inform them about the practical arrangements, including their last working day. 

If you prefer to minimize distress or potential conflict on the goodbye day, mention that you’ve arranged for a runner to assist with their departure. 

Assure them that you will fulfill all legal and contractual obligations, including notice period payment and any other dues.

Offer Support

Reassure your helper that you will provide support during this transition, whether it's in finding new employment or offering a reference, if appropriate. 

This shows compassion and helps ease the sting of the bad news.

Handling the Departure

Safety and Logistics

If there’s concern about how the news might be received, hiring a runner for the departure day can ensure a smooth transition for both parties. 

This step might be considered for safety reasons or simply to manage the situation more effectively.

Emotional Support

Acknowledge that this is a challenging time for your helper as well. 

Offer kindness and understanding in the days leading up to their departure, and be available to answer any questions they might have about the process.

Reflecting on the Experience

After your helper has left, take some time to reflect on the experience. 

Consider any lessons learned and how future situations might be handled differently, from setting clear expectations at the start to maintaining open lines of communication throughout the employment period.


Letting your domestic helper go is never easy, but approaching the situation with preparation, honesty, and empathy can make a difficult conversation as respectful and smooth as possible. 


Ensuring you adhere to all legal requirements and offering support where you can, reflects not only integrity as an employer but also kindness as an individual.