Money Issues - Can I Pay My Maid Late?


Ever found yourself in a bind, calendar in one hand, wallet in the other, pondering over the timing of your maid's salary payment? 

You're not alone. 

Managing finances can sometimes feel like juggling water balloons - one slip, and things can get messy…

especially when it comes to the punctuality of salary disbursements for your domestic helper.

Timely Payments: A Must, Not a Maybe

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) is clear: your foreign domestic worker's (FDW's) salary must be paid monthly, no later than 7 days after the salary period ends. 

This isn't just about compliance; it's about respect and responsibility towards those who help keep our lives running smoothly.

The No-Late Zone

"But what if I'm late?" you ask, imagining scenarios of forgotten transfers amidst your busy schedule. 

Here's the thing… late payments can lead to unnecessary tension and, importantly, breach MOM's regulations, potentially landing you in hot water. 

Staying on top of payment schedules ensures harmony and maintains the trust essential for a positive employer-helper relationship.

In Conclusion

Money matters, but so does how and when it's handled. 

Staying prompt with your domestic helper's salary payments is crucial for a respectful and legally compliant employer-helper relationship. 

And when in doubt or in search of the perfect domestic helper, Searchmaid is just a click away. 

Dive into our database today and find the help you need to keep your home and finances in flawless harmony.

Source: MOM website