Suggested House Rules for Your New Maid


Creating a harmonious home environment when you have domestic help requires clear communication, mutual respect, and set boundaries. 

Here are some suggested house rules that are practical, implementable, and can help foster a positive relationship between employers and their maids. 

This guide aims to address common areas of concern and provide solutions that work for both parties.

Respect and Privacy

Both employers and maids should treat each other with respect. 

This includes respecting each other’s privacy, personal space, and belongings. 

Encourage an open line of communication for any grievances or misunderstandings to be addressed promptly and fairly.

Work Hours and Rest Days

Define clear work hours and ensure your maid has enough rest. 

Maids are entitled to regular rest days, and this should be respected. 

Rest days are crucial for their well-being and can significantly improve work efficiency and morale.

Tasks and Responsibilities

Clearly outline the tasks and responsibilities expected of your maid. 

This includes daily chores, specific weekly tasks, and any additional duties that may arise. 

Having a written list can prevent misunderstandings and ensure that expectations are met.

Hygiene and Cleanliness

Maintaining a clean and hygienic home is essential. 

Set standards for cleanliness that apply to everyone in the household. 

This includes regular cleaning schedules and specific hygiene practices that your maid is expected to follow.

Meal Times and Food Arrangements

Discuss meal arrangements to understand preferences and dietary restrictions. 

Whether your maid will share meals with your family or prepare her own food, clear guidelines should be established to avoid confusion.

Safety and Security

Safety should be a top priority. Explain any security protocols, such as locking doors and windows, managing alarms, and handling emergencies. 

Ensure your maid is aware of and comfortable with these procedures.

Phone Usage

Establish clear guidelines for phone usage. 

While it's important for your maid to stay connected with her family and have access to her phone…

setting specific times for personal phone use can help maintain focus and productivity during work hours. 

Encourage her to use her phone responsibly and ensure it does not interfere with her duties or rest periods.

Handling of Money and Valuables

Discuss expectations around handling money and valuables. 

This includes shopping budgets, use of household funds, and protocols for managing expensive items. 

Transparency and trust in financial matters are key to preventing misunderstandings.

Health and Well-being

Prioritize your maid’s health and well-being. 

Ensure she has access to medical care when needed and understands the importance of maintaining good health practices. 

Regular health check-ups and a healthy work-life balance are essential.


Setting house rules is not about imposing strict controls but about creating a living and working environment that respects the rights and needs of all involved. 

Clear guidelines help prevent misunderstandings, ensure household tasks are managed efficiently, and foster a positive relationship between you and your maid. 

Remember, flexibility, understanding, and communication are key to successfully integrating a maid into your household and ensuring a harmonious home for everyone.

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