Frequently asked questions when hiring a maid in Singapore

  1. Who can qualify to apply for a Maid?

You need to be 21 years and above. Additionally, you must have mental capacity to carry out your duties effectively and on time.

  1. Can I apply for a maid from an agency if I do not have any income?

Yes. A sponsorship scheme will help you in this case. For you to qualify top get a maid, you are not supposed to be staying with any working adults.

  1. Is it possible to hire more than one maid?

Yes, it is possible only when you have more than two children who are below 18 years of age or when living with elderly parents.

  1. Which documents do I need to have in order to be able to hire a maid?

If it is your first time to hire a maid, documents such as your birth certificate and birth certificates of members in your household should be presented to the maid agency.

  1. What is the current monthly levy of a maid?

Levy is a pricing method set by the government to regulate the amount of foreign workers in Singapore. Currently the levy is at $265.

  1. Can a maid work without offs and telephone?

For the offs, the maid and the employer must agree on how they will work together. The maid can have a telephone as long as it doesn’t interfere with her work.

  1. How do I make salary payments to the maid?

You should pay your maid’s salary as agreed. Not being seven days after the agreed date.

  1. How should I go about it when having a problem with my maid immediately I employ her?

The maid agency provides free counselling services to the maid. They will identify and solve the problem. The employer is advised accordingly ion case the counselling fails.

  1. Is it possible for a maid to be transferred or be replaced?

All is sorted out so as to ensure you have a maid whom you are able to cope up with and do your household chores.

  1. Why is it that the candidate I want is not ready to work with me?

This may be due to low payment. Your previous maid might have had many complains from you. Failure to pay your maid well. A lot of work in your household.

  1. I heard so many terrifying stories about house girls snatching husbands, how can I prevent that?

If you are worried about the young girl going after your husband, the best thing is to avoid employing a helper. The girls are after making their lives better but not running after their employer’s husbands at all. They are there to work hard to support their loved ones’ back home.

  1. Are the employment agencies expensive?

Good things are always expensive to get. Maid agencies provide you with excellent services when it comes to choosing the best maid for you and in solving any subsequent problems between you and your maid.

  1. How do I know whether the girl I have been given for an interview is good?

Many girls come to the agencies from different places. Through the recommendations from friends, you get to know how the girl operates.

  1. Can I be refunded the maid levy paid when she goes on home leave?

No, simply because upon resuming back to her job, you will also need her to compensate the days which she was away from work.

  1. Who is responsible for the medical expenses of my maid?

The maid should be insured by the agency before reporting to you.