My Maid Always Cook Dinner Dinner Late Because of the Little One


As a busy working parent in Singapore, you rely on your domestic helper to keep your household running smoothly. But what happens when your little one's demands start to simmer over, causing dinner to be served fashionably late? 

If you find yourself eagerly awaiting a meal that seems to take forever to materialise, you're not alone. 

Let's explore the delicate balancing act of childminding and cooking, and how to help your maid whip up timely meals without burning out.

Understanding the Challenges

Caring for a young child is a full-time job in itself. From diaper changes and feedings to playtime and tantrums, your maid's attention is constantly divided. When you throw meal preparation into the mix, it's no wonder that dinner can sometimes take a backseat. Remember, your helper is only human, and juggling multiple tasks can be overwhelming, especially if she's new to the role or still mastering her culinary skills.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Before you start setting the table at 6 pm sharp, take a step back and assess your expectations. Is it realistic to expect a gourmet three-course meal prepared from scratch while your little one is demanding constant attention? Perhaps not. Consider simplifying your dinner menu or opting for recipes that can be partially prepared in advance. Slow cooker meals, one-pot wonders, and dishes that can be prepared during nap time can be a busy maid's best friend.

The Art of Time Management

Encourage your maid to master the art of time management in the kitchen. This might involve chopping vegetables and marinating meats in the morning, so that the actual cooking process is streamlined later in the day. Teach her to utilise waiting times effectively – while the rice is cooking or the soup is simmering, she can tackle other tasks like setting the table or preparing a quick salad.

Childminding Strategies

If your little one is particularly clingy or prone to evening meltdowns, it might be worth exploring some childminding strategies to keep them occupied while your maid focuses on cooking. Set up a safe play area in or near the kitchen, stocked with engaging toys and activities. Encourage independent play or enlist the help of older siblings to entertain the little one for short periods. Even a few minutes of uninterrupted cooking time can make a big difference.

Communication is Key

Don't let your frustration simmer until it boils over. If you find that dinner is consistently late or your maid seems to be struggling with her workload, have an open and honest conversation. Ask her what challenges she's facing and brainstorm solutions together. Perhaps she needs clearer guidance on your expectations or some additional training in time management. Remember, a happy and supported helper is more likely to be an efficient and productive one.

When All Else Fails, Lend a Hand

On particularly hectic days, don't be afraid to step in and lend a helping hand. If you're working from home, take a quick break to entertain your little one while your maid finishes up in the kitchen. Or, if you arrive home from work to find dinner still in progress, offer to take over the childminding duties so she can focus on the final touches. A little teamwork can go a long way in keeping your household running smoothly.

The Importance of Patience and Perspective

At the end of the day, remember that a slightly delayed dinner is not the end of the world. Your child's well-being and your maid's mental health are far more important than a perfectly timed meal. Embrace the chaos, find the humour in the situation, and know that this phase won't last forever. With patience, communication, and a dash of flexibility, you'll find your household's rhythm in no time.

Find Your Mealtime Maestro with Searchmaid

If you're struggling to find a maid who can handle the delicate balance of childminding and cooking, Searchmaid is here to help. Our online platform connects you with a vast pool of experienced, reliable domestic helpers who are well-versed in the art of multitasking. Filter your search based on criteria like work experience, cooking skills, and childcare abilities to find your perfect match. With the right helper by your side, you can enjoy timely, delicious meals without sacrificing your little one's care and attention.