Should I Keep My Good Maid, Who Borrowed From Loan Sharks?


Your domestic helper has been a dream come true - she's fantastic with your kids, keeps your home spotless, and even holds down the fort while you travel for work. But then, the unthinkable happens: she admits to borrowing money from a loan shark. 

As a maid employer in Singapore, you're left shocked and unsure of what to do next. While it's tempting to give her a second chance, sometimes the best course of action is to let her go. Let's navigate this challenging situation together.

The Serious Nature of the Offence

Borrowing from unlicensed moneylenders, or loan sharks, is a serious crime in Singapore. It's not just illegal - it can also have dangerous consequences for both the borrower and their employer. Loan sharks are infamous for their exorbitant interest rates, intimidation tactics, and harassment of borrowers and their loved ones. When your maid falls into this trap, it becomes your problem too.

Understanding the Motivation

Before making a decision, it's important to understand what led your helper to turn to a loan shark in the first place. Was it a family crisis in her home country? Overwhelming debts? Coercion from unethical recruiters? A gambling problem? Knowing the underlying reason can help you gauge whether this was a momentary lapse in judgement or a recurring pattern of risky behaviour.

The Importance of Honesty

Consider how your maid handled the situation after borrowing the money. Did she come to you right away and confess, or did you discover the truth through other channels? An honest and forthcoming helper is more likely to be truly sorry and willing to make things right. If she attempted to conceal the truth or lied about the severity of the situation, it could be a warning sign for future deceptions.

Weighing the Risks

As an employer, you have to consider the potential dangers of retaining a maid who has borrowed from loan sharks. Could the moneylenders show up at your doorstep, putting your family's safety at risk? Is your helper in danger of being pressured into illegal activities to repay her debts? While these are extreme scenarios, they're important to think about when deciding what to do next.

The Compassionate Approach

It's crucial to remember that maids are people, not just employees. If your helper has been a dedicated and trustworthy member of your household, you might be inclined to give her another chance. A sympathetic approach, combined with clear boundaries and consequences, could be the support she needs to get back on the right path.

When It's Time to Say Goodbye

However, despite your best intentions, there may come a point when the dangers outweigh the benefits of keeping your maid. If she persists in borrowing from loan sharks, lies about her actions, or endangers your family, it's time to let her go. Your household's safety and well-being must always be the top priority.

In such cases, it's best to act swiftly and decisively. Work with your maid agency or the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to arrange for her repatriation. Provide honest feedback about the situation to prevent future employers from facing similar risks. While it's a difficult decision, remember that you're not just protecting your own family - you're also safeguarding the well-being of other households.

Looking to the Future

To prevent finding yourself in this predicament again, take proactive measures when hiring your next helper. Partner with trusted maid agencies that rigorously screen their candidates - it’s no guarantee though. Request references, and don't hesitate to ask direct questions about a potential maid's financial situation and money management abilities.

Find Reliability and Security with Searchmaid

Ultimately, the choice to retain or release a maid who has borrowed from loan sharks is a highly personal one. There's no universal right answer. But one thing is certain - you deserve a helper who brings trust, dependability, and security to your household. That's where comes in.


Our online platform connects you with a vast pool of experienced, thoroughly-vetted maids from top agencies across Singapore. Filter your search based on criteria like work experience, language skills, and personality traits to find your ideal match. With the right helper by your side, you can create a safe, happy home for your loved ones.