My Maid Has A Strong Body Odour. What Should I do?


Dealing with body odour issues can be a bit tricky, especially when you're trying to be sensitive to your helper's feelings while also ensuring your home smells fresh as a daisy. 

So, what's a homeowner to do when the aroma around the house isn't quite what you had in mind? 

Let's dive into some tips and tricks to handle this odorous situation with grace and tact.

Addressing the Issue

First things first, it's essential to approach the situation with empathy and kindness.

No one likes being told they stink, right? So, instead of coming at your helper with accusations or harsh words, try to frame the conversation in a positive light. You could say something like, 

"Hey, I noticed it's been getting pretty warm lately, and I know how sweaty things can get. I found this great deodorant that I've been using, and I thought you might like to try it too!"

Choosing the Right Deodorant

When it comes to selecting a deodorant for your helper, it's essential to consider their needs and preferences. Opt for something gentle and effective, like a roll-on or stick formula that provides long-lasting protection without irritating sensitive skin. 

Brands like Nivea or Dove offer a range of options that are suitable for most skin types and provide excellent odour control.

Offering Gentle Suggestions

If you're not comfortable broaching the topic directly, there are other subtle ways to encourage better hygiene habits. 

You could leave a bottle of body wash or a fresh set of towels in the bathroom with a note saying, "Thought you might like to try these! I love how fresh they smell after a shower." 

Sometimes, a gentle nudge in the right direction is all it takes to spark a positive change.

Encouraging Good Hygiene Practices

In addition to providing the necessary tools and products, it's essential to encourage good hygiene practices overall. 

Remind your helper of the importance of showering regularly, especially after a long day of work or when the weather is particularly hot and humid. 

Encourage them to wash their clothes frequently, as lingering body odour can often be trapped in fabrics.

Seeking Professional Help

If the odour persists despite your best efforts, it may be time to seek professional guidance. Talk to your maid agency or consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical issues that may be contributing to the problem. 

Sometimes, persistent body odour can be a sign of an underlying health issue that requires medical attention.

Creating a Fresh Environment

In addition to addressing the issue with your helper directly, take steps to create a fresh and inviting environment in your home. 

Invest in air purifiers or diffusers to help eliminate any lingering odours and keep your living spaces well-ventilated. 

Regularly clean and disinfect commonly used areas like the kitchen and bathroom to prevent the buildup of bacteria and odour-causing germs.


Dealing with body odour issues can be a delicate matter, but with a little patience and understanding, it's entirely manageable. By approaching the situation with empathy and offering gentle suggestions, you can help your helper feel more comfortable and confident while ensuring your home smells fresh and clean. Remember, a little kindness goes a long way!

Ready to find your ideal maid match? Head over to Searchmaid to browse a wide selection of experienced helpers from reputable maid agencies in Singapore. With our easy-to-use platform and comprehensive search options, finding the perfect fit for your household has never been easier. Say goodbye to odorous woes and hello to a happier, fresher home!