Be Careful of What Your Maid Agency Says About Her Work History


When Anne, a heavily pregnant mum in Singapore, set out to find a new helper, she had a clear requirement: the candidate must have completed at least one full contract in Singapore. Engaging a seemingly reputable maid agency, Anne thought she had found the perfect match. However, a quick check on the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) website revealed a shocking truth – the agency had manipulated the helper's work history, lumping together short stints to create the illusion of a complete contract.

If you're a maid employer in Singapore, Anne's story might hit close to home. In the quest to find the ideal helper, it's easy to fall into the trap of taking an agency's word at face value. But as the saying goes, trust, but verify.

The Importance of Verifying Helper Work History

A helper's work history is a crucial piece of the puzzle when it comes to making an informed hiring decision. It provides valuable insights into their experience, reliability, and ability to commit to a contract. However, as Anne discovered, not all agencies play by the rules. Some may resort to manipulating work histories to make their candidates appear more attractive to potential employers.

So, how can you protect yourself from falling victim to these unscrupulous practices? The answer lies in due diligence.

Checking the MOM Website: Your First Line of Defence

Before you even consider interviewing a potential helper, make it a habit to cross-reference their work history on the MOM website. This official database maintains accurate records of all foreign domestic workers' employment history in Singapore. By comparing the information provided by the agency with the MOM records, you can quickly spot any discrepancies or red flags.

Here's how to conduct a thorough check:

1. Request the helper's details from the agency.

2. Visit the MOM website and enter the provided details to access the helper's employment history.

3. Carefully review the dates, durations, and reasons for termination of each employment stint.

4. If you notice any inconsistencies or gaps, raise them with the agency and demand an explanation.

Beware of These Agency Tricks and Tactics

Agencies may employ various tactics to manipulate work histories and make their candidates appear more desirable. Some common tricks to watch out for include:

1. Lumping short stints together: Agencies may combine multiple short employment periods to create the appearance of a longer, more stable work history.

2. Hiding gaps or frequent job changes: By selectively presenting information, agencies may omit details of a helper's frequent job changes or extended periods of unemployment.

3. Transferring between family members: Some agencies may claim that a helper's multiple employers are actually family members (e.g., grandmother to mother) to justify frequent job changes.

By being aware of these tactics and diligently verifying information, you can avoid falling prey to misleading representations of a helper's work history.

Finding a Trusted Partner in Your Helper Search

While it's crucial to remain vigilant when dealing with maid agencies, MOST agencies do NOT engage in deceptive practices. Reputable agencies prioritise transparency and integrity, providing accurate information to help employers make informed decisions.

If you're looking for a reliable partner in your helper search, consider Searchmaid – Singapore's leading online platform connecting maid employers with trusted agencies and experienced helpers. With a comprehensive database of candidates and a commitment to transparency, Searchmaid empowers you to make confident hiring choices based on verified information.


Don't let manipulated work histories derail your search for the ideal helper. Arm yourself with knowledge, use the tools available, and approach the process with a discerning eye. With the right approach and a trusted partner by your side, you'll be well on your way to welcoming a reliable and experienced helper into your home.