Our Maids Are Human [True Story]


In the bustling city-state of Singapore, where busy schedules and demanding careers are the norm, many households rely on the invaluable support of migrant domestic workers (MDWs) to keep their homes running smoothly. 

These dedicated women leave their families and lives behind to care for ours, often bearing the weight of their own personal struggles in silence. One maid employer recently shared a poignant story that serves as a reminder of the humanity behind the apron:

True Story: Humbled by My Helper

[Story from “FDW Employers @ Singapore” Facebook Group, with permission given by the author]

“I was humbled today about how human our MDWs are.

My helper who has been with me for 6 months suddenly went wonky the last few days (she's always been very sharp). She suddenly made mistakes, lost her frame of thought and took 2 hours to prep lunch instead of her usual 45 mins.

I was upset of course thinking if she was suddenly showing patterns but my hubs told me maybe to have a chat with her.

Thankfully I have a pretty good relationship with her and I could have a close door session with her.

As soon as I asked her what happened, she kept telling me it's okay. Then I probed further and she burst into tears. Her husband cheated on her and her friend showed her the pictures.

She kept it all in her heart while drudging along with work trying to stay strong in front of me.

I sat there for 2 hours hearing her cry and telling me what happened.

She didn't ask for any return ticket or money. She was just in pain and needed a shoulder to cry on.

If I was so brazen and didn't listen to my husband to have a chat with her, I would have hurt her even more.

Perhaps sometimes we don't see some of their struggles..... A good reminder for me (and I hope some of you) that we are all human at the end of the day.”


This heartfelt account is a powerful testament to the fact that beneath the uniform and the job title, our helpers are individuals with their own emotions, challenges, and lives beyond their roles in our households.

Building Stronger Bonds

By treating our helpers with kindness and recognizing their humanity, we not only create a more positive working environment but also lay the foundation for stronger, more trusting relationships. When our helpers feel valued and supported, they are more likely to go above and beyond in their duties and become an integral part of our families.

If you're looking to hire a helper who aligns with your household's values and needs, Searchmaid is here to help. As Singapore's premier online platform connecting maid employers with experienced and reliable maids, Searchmaid offers a comprehensive database of candidates from top agencies across the country. Start your search today and take the first step towards building a compassionate and harmonious home.