Rest and well-being days for foreign domestic workers/ maid


Being an employer, you’re accountable for the health and well-being of your foreign domestic worker (FDW). Provide for days of rest, proper medical care, adequate accommodation as well as safe work conditions.

Days of rest

To make sure that your foreign domestic worker gets proper physical as well as mental rest, allow her to have a day she rests regularly.

Your FDW has the right to have a weekly rest day if her work permit was given or renewed after 1 January 2013.

You should mutually reach an agreement with your FDW on the day of the week she should have rest. Both of you should have this agreement written down to avoid disputes.

If your FDW says she would also work on her rest day, ensure you compensate her with at least one of the following:

  • A replacement rest day that should be taken within the same month
  • At least a day’s salary

See the resources below if you wish to know more about the rest day requirement:

  • FDW weekly day of rest: A guide for Employers – in Mandarin, Tamil or English
  • Weekly rest days press release for foreign domestic workers
  • Rest edition of the InFocus newsletter

You can reach us at if you need to make inquiries about the weekly days of rest.

Initial Challenges

Some FDW that are new from the rural area might face some of these challenges:

  • Making use of modern household appliances
  • Having various practices in taking care of children
  • Knowing and as well communicating in your language
  • Adjusting to living in buildings that are high-rise

She will demand some time to get herself familiarized with your pattern of living. You can assist by taking out time to orientate and as well train her, mostly in the early stages of her employment.


You have to make sure that the accommodation of your FDW meets the following prerequisites:

  • Proper ventilation: ensure your FDW’s accommodation is well ventilated. Provide mechanical ventilation (e.g., electrical fan) if the natural one is not enough.
  • Privacy and space: provide your FDW with a different room. If it’s impossible to do this, make sure there are enough space as well as privacy in your accommodation.
  • Good shelter: make sure the accommodation protects your FDW from environmental elements like; strong wind, rain, and sun
  • Safety: make sure your FDW does not sleep close to any bad equipment or structure that could harm or hurt her.
  • Basic amenities: ensure to minimally give your FDW pillow, blanket, and mattress and bathroom amenities.
  • Modesty: do not allow your FDW to sleep in the same room with a male adult or teenager.

Proper feeding Make sure you provide your FDW with at least three meals a day. She needs enough food and strength to carry out household chores.

The following are examples of daily food intake for a female that is engaged in a moderate activity:

  • Breakfast: 4 slices of bread/ spread
  • Lunch: A bowl of rice, three-quarter cup of vegetable that is cooked, palm-sized quantity of meat (beef/lamb/fish/poultry) and fruit
  • Dinner: A bowl of rice, three-quarter cup of vegetable that is cooked, palm-sized quantity of meat (poultry/lamb/fish/beef) and fruit


When it comes to food, be very sensitive to your FDW’s needs. Don’t persuade or force your FDW to eat the food she’s not comfortable with or not supposed to eat. For instance, your FDW may not be able to eat some food because of her religious beliefs, or she may not be used to your family dietary demands (e.g., vegetarian food and porridge).

Medical care or concern As an employer, the medical demands of your FDW are one of your major responsibilities. Good communication

Your FDW can be homesick and lonely. You can assist by making her cope with those feelings and as well teach her how she could contact her family and send letters home as well.

Family integration

Make sure you endeavor to make your FDW part of your family. That can be done by simply being patient and tolerant and as well making every effort to have an understanding of her background.

Work conditions that are safe

Make sure that the FDW works safely. She must follow the approved work practices specified in MOM’s training materials and courses (for instance; the employer’s orientation programme).