Should I Change My Maid With Good Performance, But Rude Black Face?


Your domestic helper is a whiz in the kitchen, keeps your home spotless, and has a magical way with your little one. There's just one problem: her perpetual "black face" is casting a shadow over your household. If you're a maid employer in Singapore grappling with a grumpy helper who excels at her job, you're not alone. 

Let's explore whether it's time to bid farewell to the scowls or find a sunnier solution.

The Importance of Positive Energy

While a helper's job performance is undoubtedly crucial, don't underestimate the impact of their attitude on your home's atmosphere. A constantly sullen or rude helper can put a damper on your family's mood, especially if you have young children who are soaking up the emotional vibes like little sponges. Surrounding your kids with positivity and cheerful role models is just as important as a tidy playroom and nutritious meals.

Communication is Key

Before you start browsing for a replacement helper, it's worth trying to get to the root of the problem. Have a heart-to-heart chat with your helper about her sour demeanour. Is she struggling with homesickness, stress, or personal issues? Sometimes, a little empathy and understanding can go a long way in improving the situation. Make it clear that her attitude is affecting the household and that you'd like to work together to find a solution.

The Limits of Patience

Of course, there's only so much you can do if your helper refuses to open up or make an effort to change her outlook. If you've had multiple conversations and seen only temporary improvements, it may be time to accept that this is simply her personality. At this point, you'll need to weigh the pros and cons of keeping her on board. Is her stellar work ethic worth the daily dose of negativity? Only you can make that call.

Leading by Example

As the employer, you set the tone for your home. If you find yourself constantly complaining about your helper's attitude or engaging in tense interactions, take a step back and assess your own behaviour. Are you modelling the positivity and grace you'd like to see in your household? Sometimes, a simple shift in your approach, like greeting your helper with a smile or offering genuine praise, can work wonders in thawing an icy demeanour.

When It's Time to Move On

If you've exhausted all attempts at communication and compromise, and your helper's black face continues to cast a pall over your home, it may be time to part ways. A negative attitude can be just as detrimental as subpar job performance, and you shouldn't have to settle for either. Trust your instincts – if the thought of coming home to a scowling helper makes your stomach churn, it's a sign that the relationship has run its course.

Finding a Brighter Future

Saying goodbye to a helper, even one with a less-than-sunny disposition, is never easy. But remember, your family's well-being and the overall atmosphere of your home should always come first. By making the difficult decision to let go of a negative presence, you're opening the door to a brighter, more harmonious future.

Let Us Light the Way

If you're ready to bid farewell to the black face and welcome a helper who brings both skill and a smile to your home, is here to help. Our online platform connects you with a vast pool of experienced, reliable domestic helpers from top agencies across the island. Filter your search based on criteria like personality traits, age, and language abilities to find your perfect match. With the right helper by your side, every day feels a little sunnier.