Should I Give My Helpers Off Days on Singapore Public Holidays?


It seemed like a brilliant idea at the time - offering your new domestic helper all the public holidays off as a generous perk. Fast forward a few months, and you're starting to regret that decision as you juggle childcare, household chores, and your own need for rest on those precious days. 

If you're a first-time maid employer in Singapore grappling with this dilemma, you're not alone. Let's dive into the pros and cons of giving your helper the day off on public holidays.

Understanding the Legal Landscape

First things first: what does the law say about public holiday leave for maids and helpers in Singapore? 

According to Ministry of Manpower (MOM) guidelines, domestic workers are not automatically entitled to paid public holidays. It's up to the employer to decide whether to grant them time off on these days. So legally, the ball is in your court.

The Case for Generosity 

On one hand, giving your helper public holidays off can be seen as a kind and considerate gesture. It acknowledges their need for rest, relaxation, and personal time, just like any other employee. 

For many foreign domestic workers, these days offer a chance to connect with friends, explore Singapore, and recharge their batteries. A well-rested, happy helper is often a more productive and loyal one.

The Flip Side of the Coin

However, there's a reason why many Singapore maid employers choose not to give all public holidays off. For working parents, these days can be especially challenging without an extra pair of hands at home. When the kids are out of school and the usual routines are disrupted, having your helper around can be a lifesaver. Plus, let's be honest - as an employer, you might be craving some downtime on those public holidays too!

Meeting in the Middle

So, what's the solution? Like many aspects of the employer-helper relationship, it comes down to communication, compromise, and finding a mutual agreement. Some employers choose to give their maids a selected number of public holidays off, rather than the entire calendar. 

Others opt for a "day in lieu" system, where the helper can take an alternative day off if they work on a public holiday. The key is to have an open discussion about expectations and needs on both sides.

When Resentment Creeps In

It's natural to feel a twinge of envy or resentment when your helper seems to be living it up on her day off while you're elbow-deep in dirty dishes and tantrums. But remember, your domestic worker is there to lighten your load, not eliminate it entirely. 

Think of your relationship as a team - you're the captain, and sometimes that means shouldering a bit more responsibility. Focus on the ways your helper makes your life easier overall, rather than begrudging her well-deserved breaks.

Learning from Experience

If you're a first-time maid employer who leapt in with the "all public holidays off" offer, don't beat yourself up. Consider it a learning curve. When it comes time to renew your helper's contract or hire a new one, you can adjust the terms to better suit your household's needs. 

Many employers find that granting a few key public holidays, along with fair weekly rest days, strikes a healthy balance.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to the public holiday conundrum. What works for one Singapore household may not work for another. The most important thing is to approach the issue with empathy, flexibility, and open lines of communication. 

And if you're still searching for that perfect helper who fits seamlessly into your home and schedule, we've got you covered

Find Your Ideal Helper with Searchmaid

Skip the public holiday headache by finding a maid whose expectations and needs align with your own. At, we connect you with a vast pool of experienced, reliable domestic helpers from top agencies across the island. Refine your search based on criteria like language skills, age, and work experience to find your perfect match. With the right helper by your side, every day feels like a holiday.