What to Do if Your Maid Runs to HOME Shelter?


Discovering that your domestic helper has sought refuge with the Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (HOME) can be a perplexing and stressful situation for any employer. 

Discovering your domestic helper has sought help from HOME can be alarming. 

It's essential to know that while HOME advocates for migrant workers, they are not an authority. 

If your maid unexpectedly goes to HOME, your first step should be to inform the police. This ensures that the situation is documented officially and handled through the proper legal channels.

Contacting the police provides a structured approach to resolving the issue, ensuring all actions are within the legal framework. 

After notifying the police, you should also inform the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) about the situation for further guidance and support.

Remember, clear communication and understanding of your legal obligations are key. 

Reflect on the employment conditions to ensure they meet MOM's regulations.

Remain Calm and Assess the Situation

First, take a moment to calmly assess the situation. 

Understand that a maid's decision to approach HOME could be triggered by various factors, some of which may involve misunderstandings or disputes that could be resolved amicably.

Review Your Obligations

Familiarize yourself with your legal obligations as an employer. 

This includes ensuring fair work conditions, proper accommodation, and adherence to the stipulated work hours and salary. 

Reflect on whether all these conditions have been met, as any shortfall could be a legitimate grievance.

Communication with Police

Reporting a runaway maid to the police is a critical step that employers may consider when a domestic helper leaves without notice. 

This official report ensures that the situation is documented, which can be important for legal and security reasons. 

When reporting, it’s essential to provide the police with all relevant information about the maid, including her personal details, last known whereabouts, and any circumstances surrounding her departure.

This action helps safeguard the employer against potential liabilities and assists in the proper resolution of the situation.

Communication with MOM

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) should be your next point of contact, especially if there are legal or contractual issues to resolve. 

MOM can also provide guidance on how to proceed if your maid has lodged a complaint or if there's a dispute.

Consider Mediation

In cases of misunderstanding or disputes, mediation might be a viable option. 

Organizations like the Centre for Domestic Employees (CDE) offer mediation services that aim to resolve conflicts in a neutral and constructive manner.

Prepare for the Possibility of Termination

If reconciliation isn't possible, you may need to prepare for the termination of employment. Check the MOM website on how to terminate a domestic helper.

This includes understanding the process for cancellation of the work permit, ensuring all financial dues are cleared, and arranging for the repatriation of your maid if necessary.

Reflect and Learn

Regardless of the outcome, this situation presents an opportunity to reflect on your practices as an employer. 

Consider what could be improved to prevent similar issues in the future, such as better communication, regular feedback sessions, and ensuring a supportive work environment.

Support from Community

Engaging with a community of employers can provide support and advice. 

Sharing experiences and solutions can offer comfort and practical insights into handling similar situations.


When faced with the challenging situation of your maid running to HOME shelter, it's crucial to handle the matter with empathy, patience, and adherence to legal and ethical standards. 

Understanding both your rights and responsibilities as an employer can help navigate these waters more effectively, aiming for a resolution that respects the dignity and rights of your domestic helper.

Navigating such situations requires a balanced approach, respecting the rights and welfare of domestic workers while also safeguarding your interests as an employer.

It's essential to approach the issue with openness, aiming for a resolution that is fair and just for all parties involved.


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