When Should I Cancel My Maid's Work Permit (WP) in Singapore?


Hiring a domestic worker in Singapore is a common practice, providing much-needed support to families in managing household chores and caregiving responsibilities. 

However, there comes a time when the employment relationship ends, necessitating the cancellation of the maid's Work Permit (WP). 

The process involves specific timings and steps to ensure compliance with the regulations set by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). 

Before Your Maid Departs

A common query among employers is whether to cancel the Work Permit before or after the domestic worker departs Singapore. 

It is crucial for the worker to have her Work Permit with her when passing through immigration at Changi Airport. 

If the WP is canceled before she goes through immigration, she will need to show the Special Pass issued upon the WP's cancellation.

The Ideal Timing for Cancellation

The most advisable approach is to cancel the Work Permit online the day before your maid's scheduled flight. 

This timing ensures that you can provide her with the Special Pass (you can print out online), which she will need to present at immigration, replacing the need for the Work Permit.

Steps to Take Before Cancellation

Settling All Dues

Before proceeding with the cancellation, make sure all outstanding employment issues are settled. 

This includes paying all dues to your maid, ideally through bank transfers to provide evidence of payment. 

Clear communication and transparency about the final payment can prevent misunderstandings and ensure a smooth departure.

Purchasing the Flight Ticket

Buy your maid's flight ticket online and provide her with the details. 

It's essential to ensure that the departure is well-organized and that she has all necessary travel documents.

Preparing the Special Pass

Upon canceling the Work Permit online, download the Special Pass immediately and print it out for your maid.

This document is crucial for her to pass through immigration without her Work Permit.

On the Day of Departure

Accompany your maid to the airport to ensure she boards her flight. 

This step is vital in confirming that she leaves Singapore as scheduled, fulfilling your responsibilities as an employer.

Hiring a Runner for Assistance

If you anticipate any complications or prefer not to handle the airport send-off personally, consider hiring a runner. 

This service can help manage the departure process, ensuring that your maid departs smoothly without any issues.

After Cancellation

Once the Work Permit is canceled and your maid has departed… 

It's essential to keep records of all transactions and communications related to the employment and cancellation process. 

This documentation can be crucial in case of any disputes or queries from MOM.


Canceling your maid's Work Permit in Singapore requires careful planning and adherence to the legal requirements set by the Ministry of Manpower

By following the steps outlined above and ensuring all dues are settled, you can facilitate a smooth and respectful end to your maid's employment. 

This process not only complies with the regulations but also respects the dignity and rights of your domestic worker, making it a crucial aspect of responsible employment practices.

Remember, this guide aims to provide general advice. 

For more detailed information and any updates to the regulations, always refer to the official Ministry of Manpower website or contact them directly for assistance.


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