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    April 28, 2024
    Am I right to Send My Maid Home Because I disagree With a Pay Increment?
    • Post By: Dylan Ong

    So, the salary negotiation didn't go as planned after her 2-year contract ends, and you're contemplating whether sending your helper back is the right decision? This is a common issue faced by many employers of domestic helpers in Singapore. It's a delicate balance of managing your budget while ensuring fairness and maintaining a healthy working relationship. Here’s some guidance on navigating this tricky situation.

    Assessing the Request

    It’s a norm in Singapore to increase your maid’s pay after 2 years. In the bustling domestic helper market of Singapore, factors like years of service, increased responsibilities, or higher living costs can drive such requests. Before making any decisions, evaluate her reasoning—is it aligned with her performance and your household’s needs? Understanding both sides of the argument is crucial in making an informed decision.

    Market Standards and Comparisons

    Do a quick check on the current market rates for maids and helpers in Singapore. Checking with your maid agency, or getting opinion from fellow maid employers can be incredibly helpful here. They offer insights into what similar maids in the sector are earning and what additional benefits they might receive. This benchmarking can give you a clearer perspective on whether your helper's request is reasonable or off the mark.

    Communication is Key

    Handling disagreements over salary requires open communication. Have a sit-down discussion with your helper to go through her duties, performance, and your expectations. Sometimes, a mutual understanding can be reached once both parties openly discuss their concerns and expectations. Be transparent about your own limitations and be ready to listen to her side of the story.

    Alternative Compromises

    If agreeing to a pay increment is not feasible, think about alternative ways to compensate your helper that could be beneficial for both. This could include bonuses for exceptional work, an extra day off, or sponsoring a part of her training courses. These gestures can show that you value her hard work and dedication, even if you’re unable to meet her salary expectations fully.

    The Decision to Send a Helper Home

    Sending your helper home should be a last resort, considered only when all other avenues have been explored. The implications are significant—not just for your household, which may rely on her support, but for her as well. If her performance has been satisfactory and she is integral to your daily life, try to find middle ground. However, if you believe that the salary demands are unjustifiable and strain your finances, or if her performance has not met expectations, it may be time to consider this option more seriously.


    Deciding to send your maid home over a disagreement about salary increments is tough. It’s essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully, ensuring that your decision is fair and justified. Maintaining open lines of communication, understanding market standards, and exploring alternative compensations can often provide solutions that avoid drastic measures.

    If you’re looking for more advice or need to find a new helper who fits within your budget and expectations, why not visit Searchmaid.com.sg? Our extensive database and user-friendly platform make it easy to find the right help for your home, ensuring that you and your helper can look forward to a positive and productive relationship.
