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    May 06, 2024
    Can My Myanmar Maid Apply for OWIC in Singapore?
    • Post By: Dylan Ong

    OWIC stands for Overseas Workers Identification Card, a crucial document for Myanmar citizens working abroad. This card is issued by the Myanmar government and is mandatory for all Myanmar nationals seeking employment outside their country. It serves as proof of their legal status and eligibility to work overseas.

    Can Myanmar Maids Apply for OWIC in Singapore?

    No. Myanmar maids cannot apply for an OWIC while in Singapore. The application process must be completed in their home country, Myanmar.

    Why Can't Myanmar Maids Apply for OWIC in Singapore?

    The reason behind this is simple: the Myanmar government has set up a specific procedure for issuing OWICs, and it requires the applicant to be physically present in Myanmar. The process involves submitting necessary documents, attending training sessions, and collecting the card from a designated location in Myanmar. Singapore-based agencies or employers cannot facilitate this process on behalf of their Myanmar maids.

    What About PV Passport Holders?

    Here's a silver lining for those whose Myanmar maids hold a PV (Passport Validity) passport. PV passport holders are exempt from the OWIC requirement. They can travel to and from Myanmar without the need for an OWIC, as long as they have a valid work permit and passport. However, it's always a good idea to double-check with the relevant authorities to ensure a smooth journey for your helper.

    Employer's Letter for Added Assurance

    If you want to go the extra mile for your Myanmar maid's trip back home, consider providing her with an employer's letter. This informal letter can state her employment details, the dates of her holiday, and your contact information. While not mandatory, it can serve as an additional document to support her travel arrangements.


    In a nutshell, while you can't help your Myanmar maid obtain her OWIC in Singapore, you can still support her in other ways. Ensure she has a valid work permit and passport, and consider providing an employer's letter for added peace of mind. Remember, communication is key – discuss the travel plans with your helper well in advance to avoid any last-minute surprises.

    If you're on the lookout for a reliable Myanmar maid or helpers from other nationalities, be sure to check out Searchmaid.com.sg. With a vast database of maids from various agencies across Singapore, you're bound to find the perfect match for your household needs. Happy hiring!
