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    May 06, 2024
    Does Your Maid Play with Her Phone Often When You Bring Her Out?
    • Post By: Dylan Ong

    It's a bit like the chicken and the egg conundrum, isn't it? On one hand, you want your maid to be present and attentive to your family's needs. But on the other, you understand that her phone is a lifeline to her loved ones back home. So, where do we draw the line?

    The Importance of Setting Boundaries

    First things first, let's establish that every household is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. However, when it comes to phone usage, it's crucial to set clear boundaries from the get-go. Here are a few tips to help you navigate this tricky terrain:

    1. Communicate your expectations: During the initial interview or in the early days of employment, make sure to clearly outline your rules regarding phone usage. Be specific about when and where your maid can use her phone, and what constitutes appropriate usage.

    2. Be reasonable: While it's perfectly valid to expect your maid to prioritise her duties and your family's needs, it's also important to remember that she is human. Allow for some flexibility, especially during downtime or breaks.

    3. Lead by example: If you're constantly glued to your own phone during family outings, it's hard to expect your maid to behave differently. Model the behaviour you wish to see, and your helper is more likely to follow suit.

    When Phone Usage Becomes a Problem

    Of course, even with clear boundaries in place, there may be times when your maid's phone usage crosses the line from occasional to excessive. Here are some red flags to watch out for:

    1. Neglecting duties: If your maid is consistently prioritising her phone over her responsibilities, such as childcare or household chores, it's time to have a serious conversation.

    2. Safety concerns: A maid who is glued to her phone while out and about with your children is not only neglecting her duties but also potentially putting your little ones at risk. This is a non-negotiable no-no.

    3. Constant distractions: If your maid's phone usage is consistently disrupting family time or causing her to be mentally absent, it's time to reassess the situation.

    Dealing with Excessive Phone Usage

    So, what do you do when your maid's mobile habits have gotten out of hand? Here are a few strategies to try:

    1. Have a heart-to-heart: Before jumping to conclusions, sit down with your maid and try to understand the root of the problem. Is she homesick? Bored? Struggling with her mental health? A little empathy can go a long way in finding a solution.

    2. Revisit your rules: If your initial phone usage guidelines weren't clear or specific enough, now is the time to revise them. Be crystal clear about your expectations moving forward, and make sure your maid understands the consequences of non-compliance.

    3. Find alternative solutions: If your maid is using her phone excessively due to boredom or loneliness, consider finding alternative activities to keep her engaged. Encourage her to pick up a hobby, join a community group, or even enrol in a class to learn a new skill.

    When All Else Fails

    Despite your best efforts, there may come a time when your maid's phone usage is simply not compatible with your household's needs. If you've exhausted all other options and the situation hasn't improved, it may be time to consider parting ways and finding a helper who is a better fit.


    Navigating the world of maid phone etiquette can be a tricky business, but with clear communication, reasonable expectations, and a dash of empathy, you can find a solution that works for everyone. And if you do find yourself in need of a new helper who understands the importance of being present and engaged, be sure to check out Searchmaid.com.sg. With a vast database of experienced maids from top Singapore agencies, you're sure to find your perfect match. Happy hiring, and may your family outings be filled with laughter, bonding, and just the right amount of phone usage!
