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    March 01, 2024
    Should I Hire a Maid? And What Can They Do?
    • Post By: Dylan Ong

    Given Singapore's bustling pace, employing a maid can be beneficial. This guide outlines their functions and provides hiring factors, helping you make a knowledgeable choice.

    In the bustling city of Singapore, juggling all the household tasks can be a real test. To add to it, Singapore holds the record for the second-longest working hours worldwide. The average worker in Singapore clocks in about 45 hours per week, quite a bit more than the global average of 40 hours per week.

    Originally a solution to the growing work pressures and changing family structures, hiring a maid has become an integral part of life in Singapore. It has moved from being a luxury to a necessity for many homes, reflecting the city's changing socio-economic landscape.

    Why Should You Hire a Maid?

    1. More 'Me' Time

    Life moves fast, and it's easy to feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. But with a maid handling the chores, you'll suddenly find yourself with some free time.

    Just think about all the things you could do. Maybe pick up a new hobby, spend more time with family, or simply put your feet up and relax. This can go a long way in reducing stress and improving your quality of life.

    2. Help with the Kids and the Elderly

    In Singapore, double-income households account for the highest percentage, with both parents typically employed, as per the country's population census. Here's where the challenge comes in. Balancing full-time jobs whilst taking care of kids and elderly family members can be tough.

    This is where a maid can really be a game changer. They provide the helping hand you need, making sure that your kids are well looked after and your elderly family members get the attention they need. So, you can rest easy knowing that the most important people in your life are in good hands.

    4. Maids Are Cheaper than Paid Options

    In Singapore, the costs of hiring a maid would include a monthly salary ranging from $450 to $800, a maid agency fee (one-time) of around $1,000 to $2,000, and a monthly maid levy between $60 to $300.

    Comparing this with the costs of delegating duties to different services:

      Childcare services can cost $600 - $1400 per month

      Regular cleaning services can cost $20 - $30 per hour

      Elderly care services can cost $1200 - $3500 per month

      Dining out expenses can cost $20 - $40 per meal

    It's evident that hiring a maid can be more cost-effective, especially when you consider the convenience of having a live-in helper who can cater to multiple needs in the household.

    What Does A Maid Do?

    A maid's job is to simplify your life! They're there to keep your house running smoothly, take care of all sorts of chores, lend a hand with childcare or elderly care, and give you some well-deserved personal time and space.

    It's cool to note that a maid's role can be versatile and can be tweaked to fit just what you and your home need.

    General Housekeeping

    In most homes, the maid's main job is all about keeping the home clean and tidy. This means cleaning up, doing laundry, and even some basic home maintenance like fixing a loose screw or changing light bulbs. It's all about keeping your home neat and organised.

    Caring for Infant

    For new parents, especially those trying to balance work and family, having a newborn can be a big challenge.

    A maid can be a real lifesaver here. If they have the right experience or training, they can help with things like changing nappies, feeding the baby at night, and just generally making sure your little one is well cared for, providing parents with rest and peace of mind.

    Keeping Up with Young Children

    One of the top reasons many families hire a maid is for help with the kids. They can get the kids ready for school, help with homework, and even tag along for extra classes or school activities.

    Looking After the Elderly

    As our population ages, with citizens aged 65 and above making up almost one-fifth of Singapore's population, the need for elder care is going up. Maids can really become a key part of families with older members who need a lot of care and attention. They can help with getting around, keep up with medication, and provide some company, really improving the quality of life for the elderly in your family.

    Assisting the Physically/Mentally Disabled

    Trained and patient maids can also provide help and companionship to family members who are physically or mentally disabled. They can assist with daily activities, therapeutic exercises, and emotional support, playing a key role in the person's care team.

    In the Kitchen

    You'd be surprised at how many maids are really good cooks. They can whip up various dishes to suit different tastes, cook nutritious meals for the kids, or even prepare food for special occasions. If they understand your family's dietary needs and preferences, they can plan and prepare meals that are just right for you.

    What to Watch Out for When Hiring a Maid

    Hiring a maid involves more than just checking qualifications and experience, it's a commitment. Conduct a thorough interview, and consider these key factors:

    Experience and Qualifications: Check their qualifications and experience to ensure they can handle the tasks you need.

      Long-term Commitment: Respect, understanding, and patience from both parties are crucial for a peaceful home environment.

      Agency Help: Agencies can help you find the perfect maid, offering a wide range of options with various skills, experience levels, and costs.

    Final Words

    A maid can significantly enhance the quality of life within a home. Yet, it's a decision that requires careful thought and consideration.


    Assessing the prospective maid's qualifications, seeking agency assistance, and understanding the long-term commitment involved are essential steps in the process. Ultimately, the decision to hire a maid should align with your home's specific needs and circumstances, ensuring a harmonious and productive relationship.
