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A Day to Especially Appreciate Moms Working as Maids in Singapore


Maids have become one of the essential part of our lives. As the ratio of working women is increasing day by, Moms need helpers around to take care of their homes. Well, if you know you need them and no one else can be a better helper than a mother herself then learn to appreciate their efforts too. Usually these are the women who come out to manage their house expenses and choose to be maids. The job is not that easy. Cleaning your own house and then taking care of someone else’s house is completely a different thing.

Read about: What To Prepare For A New Maid

However, 13th May is just around the corner and it’s time to rethink our values. Maids that are working to meet the needs of your house and helping you in daily households, also deserve a day for themselves too. They are also moms and their children need their house clean too. We all know how essential it is to keep a home clean and no one would understand it better than Moms.

Let’s dedicate this mother day to the moms that have served us as more than anyone one else. It’s time to appreciate their efforts. They might have ignored their homes and just to serve us and to meet our needs. It’s time to celebrate real workers on this mother day. So, Singapore are you ready to appreciate them with us?

Ways to Dedicate a Day of Appreciation for Mom Maids

  • Some words of gratitude

It is not something to be done for a day. If you have finally recognized their value in your and your children’s lives then, stay kind with them appreciate their every little effort. Don’t get rude, your kind words can make their day and help them ignore their life problems at least for a moment.

  • A Gift Card

As you are preparing to gift a card to your mom, but a little more effort and write some magical words on a beautiful card to let your maids know their importance in your life. Gifts are expensive but kindness is priceless and bring countless rewards in return, so, always try to be generous with others.

  • A cake

A cake is something that makes any moment special. So, celebrate the moments and tell your maids that they and their efforts are always valued.

  • Give her a party

A little party, maybe a surprise. We always plan these cool parties for or loved ones and dearest people. We never realize how badly we ignore the people who put half of the effort in making these parties successful. Therefore, this time she deserves a party too. Invite her children and celebrate the day together.

Must read: How To Keep Maids Safe In High-Rise Homes In Singapore

Moreover, it’s not the matter of only one day but a responsibility of every moment. You’ll treat your maids in a generous way, your children will be kind with her. The best thing you can do for these Mom maids is to teach your children to be kind to them no matter the circumstances. They are also mothers like you and deserve to be treated like Moms too. So, take care of them.