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What to prepare for a new maid


Employing a maid in Singapore is a story of every other family in Singapore. The busy schedule and strict timetable of the members of almost every house in Singapore demand a domestic helper and this is why there are many employment opportunities for foreign domestic workers. There are families, to whom a single FDW or maid is enough to take care of the entire work, whereas, some families do require multiple maids for them due to increased family members, especially the children. In both the cases, there is always a new maid, who comes and takes all the responsibilities. So, it is essential for you to do all the preparation and make plans for her in order to avoid any future difficulties. Here are a few things you need to do for the preparation.

  1. Give Her Time to Settle

After the approval of your application from the Ministry of Manpower, you become eligible to employ a maid. It is important to remember that the maid you have employed might be inexperienced or new to Singapore, so make sure you let her settle in your home’s environment, so that she may get comfortable. Do not force her to adjust or else she may not perform her duties well. It is always good to communicate with her, so that she may not feel awkward in the beginning. You should also advise your children to respect her because, in that way, the maid will be able to take care of your children with more interest.

  1. Take Her on the Market Tour

Most of the maids are not the nationals of Singapore and they don’t know the exact places, addresses and public transport platforms. After you have hired the maid, take her to the nearby markets, restaurants, grocery shops, malls, hospitals, schools and other important places, which you think she must know. She might not be able to memorize each and every location on the first day, so you need to take her a few times to show the places and soon she will be able to understand the roads and destinations.

  1. Give Her Access

Giving her access not only means to give your maid freedom but also let her ingress the technological world. Your maid should know how to use a mobile phone, internet and other important applications so that you can check on her and she can give you updates. Some elderly maids are weak in understanding the latest trends of the internet and their usage, so make sure you at least make her understand how to call and attend a call. Set a monthly mobile balance allowance for her and tell her to stay in contact with you.

  1. Make a List of Her Duties

Although you would have surely discussed her job description in the interview, but after her employment’s confirmation, it is important for you to make a proper list of her duties and let her know again. She might forget the duties instructed to her verbally, so make sure you give her in the written form.

  1. Make Schedules

After making the list of her duties, the next thing you should do is to arrange timings for each task you have mentioned in the list. For example, if you want to have your breakfast on the table at 8 in the morning, then mention the time in the list so that she knows that she has to complete the task of making breakfast before 8. Similarly, if you want your children to have their lunch at 2 in the afternoon, then mention the time of lunch, so that she must be able to prepare it by the mentioned time.

In the same manner, you should also tell her what to cook each day. To do that, you can simply write a menu of your daily required meals so that she can do all the grocery shopping at least a day before.

  1. Take Care of Her Privacy

You must understand the fact that your maid is not a robot, she may have problems and desires and she might need privacy to fix a few things for her. So it is better not to intrude and disturb her, especially when she has completed all her daily tasks. After she has finished all the daily work, let her go and rest in her room and let her be comfortable.

  1. Stay Calm Stay Humble

Your new maid might take some time to adjust and you might find her doing things in the wrong way at the beginning of her job. So instead of shouting at her or showing anger, it is better to train her. It is important for you to deal her mistakes with politeness and encourage her that she can do the job. The motivation you will give her today will become beneficial for you and your maid in the future.

If you are hiring a new maid, then it is mandatory for you to prepare yourself mentally for the things you need to do after her arrival. In the families, where maids are treated with kindness and patience, are able to maintain a good relationship with their maids and in return, they get loyalty and respect from their employed maids.