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Are You Mistreating Your Maid Or Found Her Guilty For Something?


As the trend of hiring maids is increasing, the increase in the relevant court is also increasing day by day. Both of the parties are somehow equally responsible for few things. If employers are found guilty in ill-treating their FDW, their helpers are also showing tantrums and have some cases like robbery.

An Indonesian Maid Accused of Theft

Recently, few cases are reported as one of the women reported about a maid who was stealing from the house. She had a full sealed box of those things. Remember that, it is also mentioned that an Indonesian maid was not given a prior notice and before leaving she left few boxes. One of the boxes was full of things she has stolen from the house. Now, the final is verdict will be by the court. But it leaves the system with many questions because that maid already has four cases of theft against her.

A Woman Failed In Providing Safe Working Environment to Her Maids

Another case has been reported, as a housewife is charged with $46,000 fine after a maid was found working on scaffolding. These charges are against the case of failing to provide safe working conditions to her two Indonesian maids. As the case winds up, Ministry of Manpower fined the housewife. Despite she said that safety belts and masks were provided but the evidence shows that it was not enough for the safety of helpers. Director of well-being at MOM's foreign manpower management division Jeanette Har said:

"Lives and limbs are at stake here. This is an egregious case. The risks are real and obvious but the employer was oblivious to them. We will take stern actions against employers who do not take their responsibilities seriously, especially so when it comes to the safety of their foreign domestic workers."

Similarly, another case was also reported previously. Now the basic discussion out here is about the system and agencies. There are several agencies working and still needs improvement in their research about the maids. Maid Agencies, employers and maids, three of the stakeholders are responsible for such situations. Dealings should be transparent between 3 of them and the system should work in a way to protect maids. If maids are required to have specific skills, then employers need training too.

There are many cases running down in an honourable court and it needs to ensure that both of the stakeholders in the matter are guilty of some reason. Yes, it is the problem of attitude. Because these issues are not about the skills or anything relevant to the tasks. It is about the attitude of both parties towards each other. Somewhere, employers have failed to be kind and humane with their domestic helpers whereas, on the other hand, maids are accused of theft.

Maids should be little extra careful, you work at someone’s house and get paid. Similarly, employers should also take care of little details relevant concerning to the safety of maids. You’re hiring a human being, her life is as precious as your loved one. If you care if the maid is not behaving well than an employer should also watch out for the attitude they have towards the maid.

However, search maid is the largest database of agencies and maids. They are all authentic and only registered after proper research. You can contact us and hire a maid of your requirements through us. Maids also don’t have anything to worry about, it is one of the platforms that cares for your safety first. So, hiring is of domestic helpers is made convenient, trustworthy and easy by us.