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Maid abuse in Singapore can result in $7500 fine and 3 years of jail


Treating someone badly is always unacceptable to the society and law but still, there are some people who never care what others might feel about their actions. Mostly, in the corporate world, it is common to hear that employees being abused and harassed by their bosses or the upper-level management. So have you ever thought why the employers lose their mind and temper? Well, it is because they think that their workers are not delivering the expected work, but every story has two sides. The pretext behind the non-serious behavior of employees is due to the lack of good management by the employers and same goes in the case of maids.

Who is a Maid/Helper?

To understand in simple words, a maid or a helper is a lady, who is hired to take care of the household affairs in the absence of the owners. As an employer, if you are willing to hire a maid, then it is very necessary to understand the rights of her. You have to understand that your maid or helper is not somebody without self-respect. It is one of your primary responsibilities to praise her so that she doesn’t feel uncomfortable at work. Once your maid is easily adjusted to the environment and behavior of the people, she will happily complete all her duties. Many people do not understand this simple fact and they think that abusing their maid is going to make things right, but that is not the solution. Remember, your maid is a human, she has emotions and she has loved ones for whom she is working, so treat her with kindness rather than abusing her physically or through harsh words.

What is Maid Management?

Everything in this world is being managed by someone. It is found that most of the employers are not aware of maid management, which is why they are not able to manage their maids. This lack of knowledge creates a huge gap between the employer and the maid, especially the communication gap, which results in the improper management of the household. The owners do not understand this simple fact and they begin to blame everything on their maid. Maid management is not a rocket science, in fact, it includes a few points, which are as follow

  1. Communicate Your Expectations

Before hiring a made, you must know the expectations of work from your maid, or in other words, you must first understand and plan your maid’s responsibilities. While interviewing helpers, in order to find the best one, you must discuss her responsibilities because that will be her job description. After hiring the maid, write down all her responsibilities or daily tasks, so that she may not forget.

  1. Train Your Maid

Although the maid providing agencies do train their maids before making them your employee but it is still vital for you to train her after hiring her because the implements used by the agencies might be different from the one available at your home. Wise employers train their maids at least a few first weeks to make them understand the proper system of the house.

  1. Equitable Terms and Conditions

Your terms and conditions regarding your maid must be flexible and beneficial for the maid, such as she is allowed to sleep 7 to 8 hours so that she can stay fresh for the work.

  1. Make a Schedule

As an employer, your maid will work according to your instructions, so it is important to make a daily, weekly or a monthly schedule and hand a copy to your maid so that she can complete her tasks.

  1. Explain the House Rules

After all, it is your house and you have the right to control its system. You must explain the house rules to your maid, so that she may not cross any line or make any mistake. For example, if you do not like her to enter your bedroom without your permission, then you must clarify this to her.

How are Maids Making Difference in the Lives?

Maids have made the lives easier, relaxed and simple for many people. There are many advantages of hiring a maid, such as

  • She is there to cook and clean the dishes after every meal
  • She can clean the house
  • She is there to do the grocery shopping
  • She can be a babysitter or a nanny
  • She is there to take care of your health when you are ill
  • Your maid is always there to take care of your home in your absence

How to Treat Your Maid

Your maid is a part of your family and she deserves the following treatment

  • Respect: If you want your maid to be wise with you, then give her respect.
  • Trust Her Capabilities: After telling her all her duties, you must trust her abilities, so that she can be confident and may work with full responsibility.
  • Be Courteous: Do not raise your tone on her and try to be polite with her if she makes any mistake. Remember, once you win her trust, she will always try to prove herself as the best maid.
  • Never Abuse Your Maid: If you think that your maid is not performing her duties well, then, at first, try to make her understand verbally in a very polite way. But if she is still a misfit, then do not try to abuse her physically or verbally or else you will be dealing with the law, as she has a right to sue you. However, you always have ways to change your maid by contacting the agency.
  • Appreciate Her: You must admire her good work and appreciate her for completing her duties in the right way.
  • Give Her Privacy: Your maid deserves some time for herself, so do not interfere with her privacy.

The Case of Ms. Saruganam Jeeva

Ms. Saruganam Jeeva came to Singapore in January 2012 to work as a maid. She was employed by K. Rajkumari, aged 57, who was a retired warrant officer of Singapore Army. Rajkumari was found guilty by the court as she abused Ms Jeeva many times in different ways in the year 2012.

According to the statement of Ms. Jeeva, her employer, Rajkumari used to check her belongings and removed her important documents, such as the pamphlet of Ministry of Manpower, when she arrived in Singapore in the month of January. The maid became the victim of physical abuse in the month of February 2012, as Rajkumari scolded her for the first time.

Ms. Jeeva also gave a statement to the police that her employer again rebuked her physically on March 3, 2012, when Rajkumari was unsatisfied by the way Jeeva ironed her clothes and then she hit her on the upper left arm through a plastic hanger until it was half broken. After this incident, the maid was slapped by the employer, as she told the maid to heat-up the meal, which was cooked on the previous day of this incident and gone completely stale.

Ms. Jeeva also requested K. Rajkumari to send her back to her native country, India, as it was getting really hard for her to bear this kind of behavior, but Rajkumari refused.

Luckily, Jeeva was able to ask her neighbor’s maid to call the police and she did, and this is when everything became visible to the media. Jeeva wasn’t able to speak English or any other language of Singapore, as she just studied till grade 8 and left her education, but luckily the police officer was able to understand Tamil, her native language, and this is how the case went to the court.

Rajkumari, first, refused all the charges against her, but later admitted and apologized. However, the case is still active and she could have been fined up to $7500 and three years in prison.

Abusing your maid, physically or verbally, is never a good choice, as there have been several cases reported in the past, where the employers have abused their maids and this act made them face serious charges by the country’s law.