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8 Simple Ways to Make Your Children Fall in Love with Your Maids


You might be thinking why is it so important that your children should love their maid? Well, there is no big rocket science in the answer to this question. Let’s understand this through assuming a real-life situation. Imagine your kids are not attached to their maid, so do you think they will listen and act as she would say? Not at all and even if they would, but there will be a time when your kids will begin misbehaving with her. And this will ultimately become their routine. If your kids will begin misbehaving with their nanny, then you might be the next one to become the victim of their rough behavior, and then they might blow the air of hatred in the outer world because this is what they have learned. This etiquette could stay in your children’s personalities for a long time and can destroy their emotional factor.

One of the facts is that not all the maids are polite and trustworthy, but most of them are. You cannot simply make them responsible for your kid’s brutal behavior because somehow you are also involved in it. Many people do not give respect to their maids, in fact, they abuse them in front of their children and this is where things take a wrong turn. Your unpleasant behavior with your maid in Singapore is adopted by your kids and they copy all of it. So, it is important that you make your kids fall in love with the maids and this can be only done through following the simple points below.

  1. Respect Your Maid

Children learn from what they see and observe. So, it is one of your initial responsibilities to respect your maid, especially in front of your kids. If your nanny has done something wrong, try to correct her politely in front of your kids, but that doesn’t mean to abuse her in the absence of your kids. Just be humble with her and give her chances to correct her mistakes.

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  1. Do Not Be Rude

Most of the families are rude with their maids. They treat them as they are slaves and they make them feel as a very low graded human. Remember, your maid is also a human and your rude behavior will hurt her, and apart from the hurting factor, your kids are going to be rude to her as well.

  1. Always Include Her in the Family Occasions

Small deeds can make your maid happy and a happy maid means that she will take more interest in fulfilling her responsibilities, and with complete joy. So next time whenever there is a birthday or any family occasion to celebrate, make sure you include her. This action will boost her confidence and she will become more loyal. And the more of her interaction with your family, the more your kids will be attached to her.

  1. Communicate With Your Maid

Sharing is caring. Communication with your maid will showcase that you care about her thoughts and opinions. Apart from the work subjects, you must also try to communicate with her on general topics. It will also help your kids to learn to share their problems, thoughts, feelings and opinions with her, and she will try to comfort them through solving their issues.

  1. Give Her Rewards Apart from Her Salary

You might have been through the situation in which your boss has appreciated your work and rewarded you. Remember, how glad you were when you became the employee of the month and you had your pictures all over your office cabin with the title? All these actions of motivation made you work harder and you began to think the ways to not lose your reputation. Similar is the situation with your maid. You must give her rewards apart from her salary so that she can enjoy the little things in her life. Imagine those rewards, in terms of payments, made her buy an ice-cream for her and your kids, while she took them back from school, which made your children fall in love with her presence.

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  1. She Also Deserves Presents on Mother’s Day

Most of the nannies are far away from their children and they miss them, especially on the occasions like Mother’s Day. Actions, as simple as making wish cards and giving gifts to them, as well, from your kids, will simply make them happy and they will begin to love your kids more.

  1. Make Her Realize that She is Not Less Than Any Family Member

Treat her with kindness. Respect her opinions and let her be comfortable in sharing her problems with you, just like the family members do. This is will teach your kids to listen to her gentle requests and they will respect her words. Also, you must know her special days, such as birthday, anniversary etc, in order to celebrate with her like a family.

  1. She Deserves a Good Night Kiss from Your Kids

Although it sounds unnecessary but deep down it has a huge impact on the relationship between your kids and maid. When a mother deserves a good night kiss, then a maid deserves the same level of treatment as well, after all, she is always there to protect the kids like their mother.

Your maid is a person, who not only helps you in your household affairs but also she is a person on whom you trust. She is responsible for cooking your favorite meals and cleaning the house. But most importantly, she is the one who takes care of your children, when you are out, dealing with the professional world. When your maid is doing a tremendous job and fulfilling all her responsibilities, in order to maintain your household affairs, so it is one of your responsibilities to take care of her feelings and thoughts, especially if you are willing your children to love her.